Many thanks to our great friend (and high-minded painter) Andy Baird, who both conceived and jump started this attempt to contemporaneously record at least some of the eventings of one move abroad. Regarding content, the narrower column on the left is the supposedly more timeless and reference stuff; ongoing entries are in the larger-width column on the right of the script below - following the (red)


by-line below. The plan is for these at least to be augmented over time.

It should also follow, therefore, that the most recently added post will always be at the top of this right-hand column; so if you want to get a flavour from earlier times, scroll and start NEARER TO or EVEN AT THE BOTTOM (only, please, please if you chose this option, allow yourself a series of snack-breaks; it can be repetitive, and boredom is guaranteed to increase with intensity of effort!)- but ANY comments are not only also welcomed ->but positively encouraged

Remember this folks ......

Remember this folks ......

Thursday, May 30, 2013

 Just enjoyed an overnighter coach trip to Santiago de Compostela - and a very interesting time, too.

We were there on the Sunday afternoon, and OK it was early season -even though the continuing cold seems to belie the fact that it IS almost June!- but there weren`t really very many people about. The attractions lived up to expectation, pervading Galician Celtic music was excellent, general touristy `tat` not overly expensive, meal billboards on the quaint little narrow paved streets seemed to range from diarias at less than ten Euro to `plates` (? for two) with little change from a fifty! (Thankfully, full board at a hotel was included in the price of our trip; and EVERY meal there or on trips included unlimited quantities of rather pleasant lightish <10> and fruity local wine). Didn`t have time for a pub visit, but managed to pick up a couple of bottles of what looks to be the local favourite of variously flavoured cream liqueurs.

Monday took us (after a sales presentation - boring, but clearly subsidised the cost!) to a little place called `the Grove` and a glass-bottomed boat trip out to see the innards of a moored mussel-growing platform; of which there were literally hundreds in the bays and inlets around the area (`think that was Rio Arouce; but shouldn`t be hard to find on a map. Fairly close to Vigo).

Bit of excitement as we had an unplanned coach exchange (broken gearbox/clutch) in Ponte de Lima, just inside Portugal on the way back. Had coffee whilst looking across at the bridge itself, that some may recall being featured on an edition of `Place in the Sun` a few years ago. The whole area looked delightful, as we again had the brilliant coincidence of near enough perfect weather. Plus, our mostly Portuguese traveling companions were their usual friendly, talkative and humorous selves!

Oh, we DID like to be -mostly- beside the sea-side.

Now back to reality; advised this morning by Dutch friends that some forecast they check is talking a long-dragged-out continuation of changeable weather. Oough.

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