Many thanks to our great friend (and high-minded painter) Andy Baird, who both conceived and jump started this attempt to contemporaneously record at least some of the eventings of one move abroad. Regarding content, the narrower column on the left is the supposedly more timeless and reference stuff; ongoing entries are in the larger-width column on the right of the script below - following the (red)


by-line below. The plan is for these at least to be augmented over time.

It should also follow, therefore, that the most recently added post will always be at the top of this right-hand column; so if you want to get a flavour from earlier times, scroll and start NEARER TO or EVEN AT THE BOTTOM (only, please, please if you chose this option, allow yourself a series of snack-breaks; it can be repetitive, and boredom is guaranteed to increase with intensity of effort!)- but ANY comments are not only also welcomed ->but positively encouraged

Remember this folks ......

Remember this folks ......

Thursday, May 20, 2010

our Nun`s must be boilin` !

Well, I have been out in the garden since lunch, but that only lasted about ten minutes. It`s now within a degree of the 34 we had yesterday!  Mind you, I’d read the forecast on Tuesday night and so headed off early yesterday morning to the field (groundsmans` duties) early, and by 1330, having completed five hours essentially grass-cutting, I was ready for a break.

`N that’s been pretty well what it’s been like this past month or more. The finer weather -still some rain, but mercifully, all the heavy showers occurring overnight- has allowed, frankly, a lot of catching up, so this was the second CSJ Country Club trim, MB finishing touches have been applied to the back patio, at least some of our displaced muck has been levelled out over a fair piece of the lower garden, (still leaving a requirement for, &) a new top row of blocks fitted to the well  ...... and even the cottage kitchen’s been tiled!

After such a seemingly long and unsettled cold and wet overwinter, methinks we`re now in for Lourical`s revenge. At least (or at last); the combined effect of said sprucing-up here, plus the inevitable tarnishing round the edges a CSJ house unoccupied for two years, have finally made me come round to a present feeling that this is now –and will remain- our home. Or maybe it’s more general; we’re somewhat insulated and not really aware of the `pinching` we know the locals are feeling but even Casais dispensed last month with their village Festa “in honour of” St.George.

So, for us, the pressure continues. 
Anyway, must go; the dog’s just wandered in, theoretically aimlessly, but casually asking if it’s time for our afternoon nap yet?

Speak soon.

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